
Friday, October 29, 2010

Schubert vs. Whitman vs. the Zombie Gypsy- who comes out alive?

What a week. Oh what a week. Survived a music history test, and a math test. got a utah drivers license. Fell in love a few times....Went bobbing for apples on steroids. (that is the activity was intensified- Definite lack of Sarah's taking of anabolic substances....that could be read wrong)

So this week had two tests- music history, which had a review sheet which was a 4 page list of terms, people and songs we needed to know. And I was getting sick so I didn't study too hard. But! I survived; apparently my knowledge of Beethoven, Mozart, Stamitz and the Mannheim orchestra, Handel and Haydn is sufficent. Now on to the romantic period- Schumann, Schubert and brahms- one of my favorite musical eras. Emotion running out of check, it could be as loud or soft as you wanted....a little bit it was the time of the emo kids. (Don't believe me? Go do some research on Berlioz's love life...or better yet Schubert's life in general)
But speaking of emotion- we get to this song that has been stuck in my head....since wednesday. It's called "out of my league". If its one thing college has taught me about myself, its that I tend to put people on a pedestal, while kind of portraying myself in a lower light( though in my opinion, usually its deserved on both sides). But once upon a time, there was this guy. Really nothing special about him. Thats a lie. There is everything special about him. He kind of makes me want to reread and then rewrite this.... which is half inspiration and half intimidation...both great motivators. And maybe I would spend a bit more time trying to make this sound "Whitman-esque" ( my favorite favorite writer, "Oh captain, my captain" "I am not to be tamed- I am not the least bit translatable" "For who but I should understand lovers, all their joys and sorrows?") if there was half a chance he would read this. (If you are.....sweet. Give me a call!) So I listened to this song about....37 times since wednesday. Sadly- thats not an exaggeration.
But on the upside- to slightly lesson obsession with this one, there was a guy who came to one of my classes today dressed as Malcom Reynolds!!! (:D If you don't know who that is marin, remind me to bring home my season of Firefly sometime. He is perfect age, good instrument, pretty dang cute. Life is generally happy- and yes dearest Stephen, I do still fall in love at least once a day.
Fought the DMV and won! That open book test sucks- but at least its open book in this state, and everyone speaks english!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Also- we had a Latter day voices halloween party, and I dressed up as a gypsy!
This was before I went bobbing for apples in these huge massive buckets(the red thing behind me) and got wet to my shoulders, and my smudged make up made me into zombie gypsy (Eye roll). But it was a fun party, good food, good people(have I mentioned how stellar all of my LDV people are? You know a little bit marin, one of my fellow sopranos is the reason I kind mad enough at you to start this....except she's awesome and that was definitely NOT what she was trying to do) 
Also! Got dream coat this week- its beautiful and my last birthday present- 
And Julienne- one of THE most EPIC girls ever, is going to help me sew pockets into it. (D Have already gotten many compliments, life is wonderful. Also, going to a Ralf Vaughan Williams/ Monteverdi concert tonight. Pretty psyched. 
Also- decided that since this is more of a 'whats happening in Sarah's life so family can kind of keep up means that I don't have to be poetic...or traditionally poetic. I am poetic- in a prose sort of way. Over and out, happy halloween everyone! (PS- comments are way more than welcome!!)

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