So the other day my sister called me freaking out about college- this probably won't help too much.
90% of the time- college is amazing. And never ever once have I wished to be back in highschool- the teachers here are usually more chill, the classes are more interesting because you get to pick them!! Not one or two, ALL OF THEM! You get to stay up till 4 talking about either absolutely nothing, or the meaning of life. You can sleep through all of your classes and eat ice cream for breakfast in bed! You can spend your grocery money on the most EPIC PARTY OF ALL TIME!! You can date the boys you know will never work out!(......but there are consequences.....but I'm pretty sure those things weren't even OPTIONS in highschool)
Granted- you have to start being a grown up. Deal with a lot of things all at once- money, classes, religion, social life, love, family, facebook(the latter gets FAR more of my attention than it should.) Tests get harder. Friends are made easier some times- but also fall away faster. Suddenly- everything is much more of a big deal. What you don't have a major yet? You....aren't married? Don't have a masters? Don't have your dream job? Don't know what your dream job is? Have never been madly in love?! Your behind!!! No one levels the playing field in college- in highschool- yes there were some people who were smarter, more beautiful, more talented- but in college thats suddenly magnified. (Maybe because my highschool was 500 people and my college is a good 20,000- I'm not a math major, but that may have something to do with it) And there will be people who have accomplished more- that didn't happen too much in highschool. But all of sudden- there are people your age who have traveled the world, performed professsionally, gotten married or created cold fusion(Not quite sure about the last one). You start thinking about how much famous people had done at your age (I be mozart never failed a music history test- Thats because he was already a professional before he could walk. Dumb)
So the thing that annoys me is when I keep my highschool glasses on. When I have awful habit of comparison- everyone is more accomplished, more beautiful, more talented, and I am back in the corner, same reject I was since I was 14. This is not nearly as true in college- I have many close friends, in some of whose circles, I am kind of a little bit cool- but some circles will just all ways evade me- brining back memories of highschool. Also- there is always that sinking feeling of "There was homework?! Shut up. Shut up! Oh noes....." And people you really don't want to deal with- and teachers who think they are your friends but aren't- teachers who think their class is the only one your taking- there will always be people who think they are so cool- on the upside- not many people like them in college.
But there is hope marin! There will be room mates and teachers who will tell you this is just an illusion- you and your accomplishments/talents etc. are enough to make you worthwhile! (Not their word- mine. They use flattering ones- but I'll compromise to worthwhile for now.)
Anyway- Nice thing 2. Dang it I was thinking of something today. I need to do these posts right when I think of something. But this will do for now. My sister has a job. In highschool. Something I never did. And not only that- its a job she thoroughly enjoys!! Do you know how few people accomplish that IN THEIR LIVES?! (Granted they pay her slave wages, but we can over look that.....slightly over slave wages maybe...oh racist. Oh holy racist. Bad Sarah, bad!) But she honors her commitments and juggles school and drama and church and work!!!??? Crazy isn't it?!
(Here's a plug for them...)
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