
Friday, October 29, 2010

Schubert vs. Whitman vs. the Zombie Gypsy- who comes out alive?

What a week. Oh what a week. Survived a music history test, and a math test. got a utah drivers license. Fell in love a few times....Went bobbing for apples on steroids. (that is the activity was intensified- Definite lack of Sarah's taking of anabolic substances....that could be read wrong)

So this week had two tests- music history, which had a review sheet which was a 4 page list of terms, people and songs we needed to know. And I was getting sick so I didn't study too hard. But! I survived; apparently my knowledge of Beethoven, Mozart, Stamitz and the Mannheim orchestra, Handel and Haydn is sufficent. Now on to the romantic period- Schumann, Schubert and brahms- one of my favorite musical eras. Emotion running out of check, it could be as loud or soft as you wanted....a little bit it was the time of the emo kids. (Don't believe me? Go do some research on Berlioz's love life...or better yet Schubert's life in general)
But speaking of emotion- we get to this song that has been stuck in my head....since wednesday. It's called "out of my league". If its one thing college has taught me about myself, its that I tend to put people on a pedestal, while kind of portraying myself in a lower light( though in my opinion, usually its deserved on both sides). But once upon a time, there was this guy. Really nothing special about him. Thats a lie. There is everything special about him. He kind of makes me want to reread and then rewrite this.... which is half inspiration and half intimidation...both great motivators. And maybe I would spend a bit more time trying to make this sound "Whitman-esque" ( my favorite favorite writer, "Oh captain, my captain" "I am not to be tamed- I am not the least bit translatable" "For who but I should understand lovers, all their joys and sorrows?") if there was half a chance he would read this. (If you are.....sweet. Give me a call!) So I listened to this song about....37 times since wednesday. Sadly- thats not an exaggeration.
But on the upside- to slightly lesson obsession with this one, there was a guy who came to one of my classes today dressed as Malcom Reynolds!!! (:D If you don't know who that is marin, remind me to bring home my season of Firefly sometime. He is perfect age, good instrument, pretty dang cute. Life is generally happy- and yes dearest Stephen, I do still fall in love at least once a day.
Fought the DMV and won! That open book test sucks- but at least its open book in this state, and everyone speaks english!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Also- we had a Latter day voices halloween party, and I dressed up as a gypsy!
This was before I went bobbing for apples in these huge massive buckets(the red thing behind me) and got wet to my shoulders, and my smudged make up made me into zombie gypsy (Eye roll). But it was a fun party, good food, good people(have I mentioned how stellar all of my LDV people are? You know a little bit marin, one of my fellow sopranos is the reason I kind mad enough at you to start this....except she's awesome and that was definitely NOT what she was trying to do) 
Also! Got dream coat this week- its beautiful and my last birthday present- 
And Julienne- one of THE most EPIC girls ever, is going to help me sew pockets into it. (D Have already gotten many compliments, life is wonderful. Also, going to a Ralf Vaughan Williams/ Monteverdi concert tonight. Pretty psyched. 
Also- decided that since this is more of a 'whats happening in Sarah's life so family can kind of keep up means that I don't have to be poetic...or traditionally poetic. I am poetic- in a prose sort of way. Over and out, happy halloween everyone! (PS- comments are way more than welcome!!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"A volcano-that-almost-exploded-then-didn't" or "Is there any other way to take that?"

So I feel a little better now- and my roommates aren't from brigham they are from SoJo(south jordan.)  Math sucks. Tell the family I love them! And show this to them- as long as you double check its appropriate-
Dear readers who are not marin(Maybe your out there- hello?)- I'll work on this, and not make it quite as obviously marin centered!! Love you bunches!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

So I didn't blog for the last few days- thought this  might make up for it. Took me a while to figure the dang thing out- but it will work.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Uneventful Day

Hopefully todays entry will be pretty short- 1. Because I don't have much to write about, 2 because I really should be doing math homework.
So I'm deciding that some of the things I do in my life really aren't worth my time...maybe not things. Maybe people. Boys. I'm kind of tempted to wear a shirt that says "I have enough friends. Talk to me if you want a date though." This of course is untrue- one can never have enough friends. But I am getting tired of boys who don't quite know which category I fit into. And who make me wait. And wait. And wait to figure out. This is the point where if I was my sister- I would tell her something like stop letting them waste your time. Hmmm....
But its ok- because I have some very good girl friends who are the best support system ever; who show me that while I crave male company- in excess, or in poor quality, it is very time wasting. "You can't live off of granola bars". College is a time of excess- some people spend too much time doing homework and never leave the library- some people do nothing but play video games and fail there classes. Some people try to live off of Ramen and have enough sodium for 4 life times. But the point is balance- since no one forces it on you in college you have to make your own, and at them moment.....epic fail. 
So something I did today reminded me about one of the most amazing things about Marin. She is the BEST missionary- EVER! We are both very active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. But I have issues....MAAAAAJOR issues talking to people about it. Probably cause I have some super anti people in my life- and I worry about trying to sell people something they don't want. But Marin has no such issues- she has converted like 3/4 of her friends. When I didn't have LDS friends in MD- I cursed the fates and hung out with people who didn't have my same beliefs. Marin just decided she wanted her friends to hang out with her at church- because she loves her friends and wants to show them God loves them too. Missionaries came and gave us a peptalk yesterday- the main thing I took away was it is not so bad spreading gospel- because you are just telling people they are loved- and gave away two tickets for our institute of religion concert on sunday! Woot. Marin should be proud :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

High School Never Ends

So the other day my sister called me freaking out about college- this probably won't help too much.
90% of the time- college is amazing. And never ever once have I wished to be back in highschool- the teachers here are usually more chill, the classes are more interesting because you get to pick them!! Not one or two, ALL OF THEM! You get to stay up till 4 talking about either absolutely nothing, or the meaning of life. You can sleep through all of your classes and eat ice cream for breakfast in bed! You can spend your grocery money on the most EPIC PARTY OF ALL TIME!! You can date the boys you know will never work out!(......but there are consequences.....but I'm pretty sure those things weren't even OPTIONS in highschool)
Granted- you have to start being a grown up. Deal with a lot of things all at once- money, classes, religion, social life, love, family, facebook(the latter gets FAR more of my attention than it should.) Tests get harder. Friends are made easier some times- but also fall away faster. Suddenly- everything is much more of a big deal. What you don't have a major yet? You....aren't married? Don't have a masters? Don't have your dream job? Don't know what your dream job is? Have never been madly in love?! Your behind!!! No one levels the playing field in college- in highschool- yes there were some people who were smarter, more beautiful, more talented- but in college thats suddenly magnified. (Maybe because my highschool was 500 people and my college is a good 20,000- I'm not a math major, but that may have something to do with it) And there will be people who have accomplished more- that didn't happen too much in highschool. But all of sudden- there are people your age who have traveled the world, performed professsionally, gotten married or created cold fusion(Not quite sure about the last one). You start thinking about how much famous people had done at your age (I be mozart never failed a music history test- Thats because he was already a professional before he could walk. Dumb)
So the thing that annoys me is when I keep my highschool glasses on. When I have awful habit of comparison- everyone is more accomplished, more beautiful, more talented, and I am back in the corner, same reject I was since I was 14. This is not nearly as true in college- I have many close friends, in some of whose circles, I am kind of a little bit cool- but some circles will just all ways evade me- brining back memories of highschool. Also- there is always that sinking feeling of "There was homework?! Shut up. Shut up! Oh noes....." And people you really don't want to deal with- and teachers who think they are your friends but aren't- teachers who think their class is the only one your taking- there will always be people who think they are so cool- on the upside- not many people like them in college.
But there is hope marin! There will be room mates and teachers who will tell you this is just an illusion- you and your accomplishments/talents etc. are enough to make you worthwhile! (Not their word- mine. They use flattering ones- but I'll compromise to worthwhile for now.)
Anyway- Nice thing 2. Dang it I was thinking of something today. I need to do these posts right when I think of something. But this will do for now. My sister has a job. In highschool. Something I never did. And not only that- its a job she thoroughly enjoys!! Do you know how few people accomplish that IN THEIR LIVES?! (Granted they pay her slave wages, but we can over look that.....slightly over slave wages maybe...oh racist. Oh holy racist. Bad Sarah, bad!) But she honors her commitments and juggles school and drama and church and work!!!??? Crazy isn't it?!
(Here's a plug for them...)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lets see how this goes- Re; 10 Nice things

So........I will catch you all up on the story of my life later- for now, this will kind of be like a public journal.
I'm a music major at Utah State- LOVE it. Its demanding, but I have drive; if not as much talent as I would like. I'm from Maryland though- left a family behind. Not super close- I had kind of a rough go as a teenager and pushed them pretty far away. But I have been blessed with some awesome roommates and college friends- so now I'm just kind of combating the idea that my starter family was something that just....kept my expectations low enough.
But lately its been hard- I have a lot of close friends with really really really good family support and I get....jealous would be the wrong word. Como se dice, missing something you never had?
We had a party last night- spinach and artichoke dip and home made salsa for chips, pumpkin toffee cheesecake, and wassail and hot chocolate to drink(Hit me up if you want recipes- it was all amazing) Played shuffle buns and lap tag(Hit me up if you want instructions- SOOO much fun). But afterwards had a deep conversation about familial support systems- I tried to stay quiet about my lack thereof.
Now don't get me wrong- I am certainly not from a disfunctional family (I feel like Lilo- "I am well adjusted- I eat 3 meals a day excersise all the time and get...disciplined?) My parents always gave me all of what I needed and most of what I wanted- there was just no affection- no deep relationships, or cute little nicknames. Or threatening of dates with shot guns. Could have used that a time or two. I had lousy tastes in guys when I was younger.
But just wound up upset and posting some old teenage poison on facebook. Mom said "You poor baby" and laughed and hung up. Soooooo like her. Marin on the other hand supprised me. . Thank you world- apparently someone does care- though marin- out of sight out of mind is not an excuse- it is what is bothering me. I don't think that applies to people you actually love. Correct me if I'm wrong.
But. I love my family- its just exhausting to give 100 and get 10 percent back. But here. In honor of mom
Oct. 17, 2010. Nice thing #1.
My little sister has the most amazing hair. Women pay lots of money to try to get close. I get emotional whenever I see some teen girl with red hair in Utah. I always ask her if it takes her 2 hours to blowdry. She usually says yes. Learn to use a blowdryer marin!!! I miss you.