This is my baby sister. In a way- its ridiculous how much I love and admire her, and how ridiciously beautiful, fun and talented she is. Also, brave and strong. She is from a conflicted background to say the very very least. We grew up in the same background of LDS vs. Theater. I let the negatives of theater get to me, while not drawing strength from the religion. Marin takes the peace and purpose of the religion and the creativity of the stage and melds them. She lifts everyone around her and often brings people closer to God- the best compliment I can give anyone. But- making her even more awesome- she is religious, without being ridiculously naive- which I unfortunately see a lot out here. She see's whats going on around her, and like everyone around her, wants to help. These photo's are her senior project (in Muggle studies.....yeah Mar.....) and I don't know exactly what purpose they serve- to shock? To raise awareness? To show that she hurts for these people, that she understands, even a little?
Anyway- Like I said, I know I never post twice in one day- but I felt so strongly about this tonight. My choir is doing a performance this weekend and next and I so wish she could see it. I really don't think my sister struggles with the doubts that I did in high school- no her head is on much straighter than mine was at her age. But there were a few moments that I almost lost it tonight- because there are so many girls like Marin, who just need occasional affirmations that they are loved and heard and that heavenly father has a plan for them. And there are others, like I was, who need our message so very much.
We have a few little kids in our show- just to say adorable little things like "I know Heavenly father exists, because there are ponies. And I love ponies. So Jesus loves me!" But this little girl, she must have been our sister Cherry's age, 5 maybe a little less. (Charity is not 5 any more- but she is forever that age in my brain. Like Marin is always 15. maybe 16.) Anyway, I digress. So almost-charity gets up and says " I know heavenly father loves me, and he hears my prayers." And I thought to myself- Dear God- let this little girl hold on to that knowledge- in 7 years when she faces the social cold war that is middle school- the nuclear threats of humiliation and self doubt and popularity contests. Let her hold onto this belief in eleven years when popularity begins to come with a price- will you drink this? Will you take this? Will you loose this much weight? Will you compromise your standards? If not, everyone will walk away from you. Lord- let her know how fiercely she is loved when she rejects the easy roads in high school. Let this girl hold onto this belief in seventeen years when she still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up, and she is scared that she will live and die inconsequential and alone.
We sang a song called I am not Afraid. "In the wilderness of worry- in the desert of despair, in the never ending darkness when it feels like no one cares; I am not afraid, I am not alone. You hold me in your hand and will not let me go. Though the waters rise and though the winds may blow, I will not be afraid because I am not alone." To Marin and to all other highschool girls who are scared- (because, lets face it-14-....25? Does it stop then? Is just a scary period) You are not alone. You are never alone- you are loved, you are known. You need to know that not only does Christ live- he lives for and with you. He has suffered the depths of sorrow so you don't have to.
We sang lean on me- that was more fun than any thing else- psh. Like marin has ever had to lean on me. Ever. Pretty sure thats the other way around.
Then we sang "Beautiful to Him." And I just leaned against my friend and cried. Because I remember what it was like to be the girl in some of Marin's pictures. And how not beautiful- how worthless that felt. To be promised by the world, it didn't matter what you did, or what you took- your life was not worth enough for it to make a difference. Wrong! Wrong, oh so so wrong! Not only does the Lord love you- he is proud of you! He understands the struggle, the exhaustion that is your every day life- girls on the east coast- I feel your pain, and so does he. You know what it is to be in the depths, the very throes of the world. You know every curve ball and sucker punch Satan has to throw at you, and baby girl- you beat them. You are stronger than that. And if your not? You can be. He can make you that way, with nothing more than your willingness.
Anyway- I will get off my soap box right after bearing my testimony. In every trial- in every terrifying, life changing moment, the Lord is there loving and supporting you. You are not meant to be like the every day rabble who lives for nothing than moment to moment pleasure- you were meant for accomplishment and the purest love their is, both earthly and divine. And you were meant to help give that to others. I know he lives. He lives with me- even when my life is hard- it would be so much worse with out him, and when I let him, everything is better.
Love you Mar bear.