So- because this isn't a travel blog- and because I want to live to see 25 and NOT be stoned to death by jealous friends and sister- I won't write 50 pages about Italy.
But- I will say this- if you ever get a chance, go, go, GO!!!!!!!
I will go into details before I go into the life changes- We fly through the night on friday and saturday morning- I dislike airplanes- but it was so with it! We come into the Fiuminchino airport, and then our AMAZING tour guide- Eddie, takes us straight into the city. Oh, Rome. We went to my favorite spot my first day- La Fontana di Trevi. (Picture one of me and Tara and the apple).
I wanted to go back, because apparently if you throw a coin in, it means you will come back to Rome- so if I get a second trip I will get a third- also, I threw a penny into the fountain at the bottom of the spanish steps. I think the gods of Roman Architecture understand. Whirlwind tours of the Colosseum (Tara and I kissing Ancient Colossal architecture)
and St Peters the next day
( Me and Andrew and the Swiss Guard)
Tara and I outside St. Peters
Me inside the Basilica

Then we sang a mass in St. Peters that night. Such an amazing experience. At first- I didn't like the idea of doing LDS hymns inside Catholic cathedrals- (whats that saying? When in where, do as the who do?) but it turned out very well. We sang Guide us O Thou Great Jehovah, “We are weak but thou are able, hold us with thy powerful hand” I cried. Just an overwhelming feeling of “It will be ok”. Not peace- there is a different. You feel peaceful when you feel “it-will-be-ok”, but not necessarily the other way around. The next day, we did a concert in St. Agnes in Agony- again, a wonderful experience, but an intense one- a wonderful experience with a price. Because of all of the major drama, because I didn't know if this was going to be my last experience with a choir ever, I kind of had a mental break a thousand year old cathedral- right in front of the teacher who had basically put me in that situation. Not ideal. Just bawling, hyperventilating. I got a blessing to be calm- I made it through, and started to realize- music is not just a love- its what I do. It doesn't matter where, just that I keep doing it. More on that later.
While still in Rome, go to the ancient roman agoras and forums, the pantheon, and the Vittorio Emmanuele monument- or the wedding cake building! (Pure white stone- I can't see any other reason for the name). Bought scarves, and tiny drawings, and bracelets for souvenirs (For those of you who go! Bracelets should be 2 for 5, scarfs should be 4 or 5 euro- don't let them charge you any more than that!) And the vatican museum. Oh my god. So many amazing works of art,including Michaelangelo's painting of the sistine chapel(took illegal pictures for marin...)
My voice teacher and I in our Diva sunglasses
Illegal picture of Sistine Chapel for Mar
On to Florence- saw Medici palace and Michaelangelo's David(took illegal pictures for marin again).
The Duomo- Gi-flipping-normous building, with a beautiful front of white pink and green marble.
THE OTHER THING ABOUT FLORENCE- This is where you buy things!!! If you want Italian leather jacket, bags or shoes- FLORENCE! I bought a jacket there- Oh man it is great.
Then to a tiny little city called Luca- Marin picture Poolesville- but a bit bigger, everything is walking distance and has like, 7 huge cathedrals. I fell in love with this city. Life is slow and relaxed- and everything is just nice and calm. Our tour guide Gabrieli was my favorite Italian we met the whole trip- spoke with kind of a new york accent- like an older Michael J Fox, plus 30 pounds.
He was great. Gabrieli
Prettiness of Luca
But also- in the hotel that morning- my room mate and I were watching the news (the only channel in English) and we saw the Japanese tsunami/earthquake about an hour after it happened. We both kind of sat there in shock. (This comes into play later)
We ended the tour in Venice- Oh Venice. My favorite- favorite city. It felt romantic and exciting and generally- beautiful. Picture New York prettified.
Bridge of Sighs- Under construction. One of 1000 reasons I have to go back.
Went to Il Piazza de San Marco- San Marco is the cathedral where Monteverdi and Vivaldi debuted their works- oh it was magical.
We went to Monteverdi's grave actually. I felt very connected- to be honest, Italian rennaisance/baroque music is not my very favorite- but to be so close to something so important to the history of my major was ….center-ing. It brought me back to what I want to do with my life. We did a mass and a concert that night. Standing for a long time in a very cold cathedral, but it was so worth it. The mass was about Jesus and the temptations, the 40 days etc. I know this, because the wonderful old Italian preacher tried really hard to translate the important parts of his sermon just for us- the crazy visiting american choir. Then we did the concert- went rather well- we sang for about 2 hours- I thought it would be absolutely interminable, but I loved it. The choir sang my favorite song twice- Eliza Gilkyson wrote “Requiem” for the 2004 tsunami
mother mary, full of grace, awaken
all our homes are gone, our loved ones taken
taken by the sea
mother mary, calm our fears, have mercy
drowning in a sea of tears, have mercy
hear our mournful plea
our world has been shaken,
we wander our homelands forsaken
in the dark night of the soul
bring some comfort to us all,
o mother mary come and carry us in your embrace
that our sorrows may be faced
mary, fill the glass to overflowing
illuminate the path where we are going
have mercy on us all
in fun'ral fires burning
each flame to your myst'ry returning
in the dark night of the soul
your shattered dreamers, make them whole,
o mother mary find us where we've fallen out of grace,
lead us to a higher place
in the dark night of the soul
our broken hearts you can make whole,
o mother mary come and carry us in your embrace,
let us see your gentle face, mary
The first time was so emotional- thinking of the Tsunami Victims. Then the second time I thought, oh my gosh- this is my last night in Italy. The adults kept saying “Oh! This is a once in a life time experience.” No. No it's not. I couldn't have gotten through that last night without honestly believing I would come back one day.
The flight back was long and jet lag took its toll for the next week- I was exhausted by about 8:00. My friend whose house I crashed at that first night back in SLC, was amazing enough to wake up with me at about 4:30. He's amazing. More later- but today is the BYUI audition(which I will write about) but this one is so long over due- I had to put it up.