I was a daydream
Quiet and unseen
I lived in stories but inside I kept a mystery
I was a starling
Nobody's darling
Flying in perfect circles just for company
And now I'm ready
And now I'm ready
And now I'm ready to be extraordinary
Again with the exciting-ness that has been going on since I wrote last. Did a tango competition- lots o' fun. I've decided, If I am....I don't know maybe 28 and unmarried and unhappy with employment, I'm moving to Buenos Aires, the place where I was born; to learn Spanish and become a master tango dancer!!
Thanksgiving was great- I love my roommate Ashli who I got to go home with. And I love her family- I spent thanksgiving with them too. They are wonderful and affectionate, and definitely foster communication; things that my family definitely isn't.(Present readers excluded, of course.) Went shopping a few times- even on Black Friday- got out without getting trampled. Sang at a farewell on sunday- it was perfect. Well not quite- I definitely messed up some of the words. But that is ok. It was perfect because the three of us girls had all met Steven at the same time, and it wasn't about performance. It was about giving him a gift- telling him we think he will be amazing in Russia-and we are so blessed for getting to know him before he left.
These next couple weeks will definitely be ones I "just need to survive" I have a concert tonight. A rehearsal tomorrow night. Than a concert every night until Sunday. Then I get monday and tuesday and wednesday off, then concerts till Sunday again......holy overwhelmed, Batman!
But less on future, and more on the last little while. Lots of dates- lots and lots. Lots of meeting new people and seeing old friends I haven't seen for months...or years. And I am learning something about me.
I am a really good girlfriend- but thats just because I know how to act like one. Because I saw Mom and Dad be so very stable and solid, and other such comfortable but boring adjectives; I know that is NOT what I want. I want passion and adventure and excitement, not just some one dependable. So that is the role I try to fill, but in that I loose myself. I become everything they want, thus allowing them to be romantic like I want them to be- but in so doing, kind of loose myself....in almost every relationship I have ever gotten into. So what do I do to solve this? I look to the relationships that weren't like that. I have had two men in my life who managed to be my lover and my best friend at the same time. In both of those, I gave up the image, being the dream girl- I was pretty sure they weren't going anywhere, so I was just allowed to be myself(ironically, those are the two I ever came close to making any kind of permanent arrangement with. Well played gentlemen; well played.) Now I just need to figure out how to recreate that kind of relationship; but really? I have no idea. These experiences were amazing because they were as natural as drawing breath- they required no work, no conscious thought- I just wanted to be next to them all the time. Conversation never ran out. There was no awkwardness, just 'being' was enough for me, and enough for them. Which is unusual. Usually I am person who puts effort and thought into...just about everything. So again- how in the world do I recreate that?
The guys in my life now are great. Whether they are in it for a long or short while, whether friend or possibly something more; they try to make time for me, they try to actually get me to be myself; but they are sort of swimming upstream, because I have no idea how to...how to not impress the guy that I am with. I don't want to be myself- because anyone's 'self' is not exciting and fun all the time, and isn't that what a relationship should be? Maybe? The only ones who get to see the real me, are friends. Ones who I don't need to impress. So they definitely get a one sided view.
Anyway- enough of that rant. Life is interesting now, because unlike SOOO many other times in my life- relationships are the only thing in my life right now that I don't have together. I have good strong friends- I feel like I am making progress in my major, getting my work done and practice time in. Me and God are on the best terms we have been in years. Latter Day Voices is like EFY everyday- I have teachers, friends and family in my life who want me to be happy, who are willing to help me succeed. So in every other aspect- I have never been more myself, or a better version of myself than I am now. I am on the brink of extraordinary-I just have to figure out how to apply that to relationships..........Suggestions are welcome.